Thursday, October 11, 2012


As you'll learn, I am a HUGE fan of Pinterest.  Home decorating, recipes, cocktail ideas, fashion trends, you name it its there for you!  Since joining the fabulous (and addicting) world of pinning I've tried to include a new recipe, work on a new project, or use a new household tip within each week.  Some weeks that's an incredibly lofty goal given time constraints and such.  But for the weeks that I actually accomplish it I tend to brag all over Facebook about it.  My family and friends will most likely admit I take and post way too many "Pinterest Projects"/"foodie" photos.  That was one of the driving forces behind starting my blog, this way I'll have an outlet to actually share my "foodie finds".  With todays digital age where everyone is tweeting or instagraming their every action it's hard not to join in by showing off your latest creation, am I right?!  Anyways, here is the first of many Pinterest inspired recipes.

This recipe was entitled "OMG Chicken" on the recipe I pinned because apparently its so knock your socks off good, so what better endorsement and reason to try it!  I think when you actually look at the recipe (which is from the Hellman's mayonnaise jar) its called Parmesan Crusted Chicken but OMG Chicken sounds so much more exciting!  I decided to make some adjustments based on what I had available.  I had some sour cream that needed using up and instead of chicken I did pork chops as Chris had mentioned we hadn't had them in awhile.  You'll also find I tailor recipes to how many people I'm feeding which in most cases is only two.  Last night was an exception, my brother came over for a bite and some resume help!

Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops

- 1/2 c. sour cream
- 1/4 c. Parmesan cheese
- boneless pork chops (typically, one for each person you are feeding)
- a couple spoonfuls of bread crumbs mixed with italian seasoning

- Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
- Combine sour cream and Parmesan cheese till well mixed.
- Place pork chops in lined (with foil or parchment paper) and greased (just a spritz of cooking spray should do) baking pan.
- Season chops with salt and pepper.
- Spread sour cream and cheese mixture on top of chops.
- Sprinkle bread crumbs on top.
- Bake for 15 - 20 minutes depending on size and thickness, best way to tell is slicing one side with a knife and checking for no pink.
- Let rest and serve.

The original recipe (which you can find on the Hellmann's website) calls for mayonnaise and shredded Parm cheese.  I used sour cream because I wanted to use it up and used grated Parm because I didn't have shredded on hand.  It also says to use already seasoned bread crumbs, I always buy plain bread crumbs and season them on my own.  For this recipe I seasoned them with basil, oregano and garlic salt.  I also brought the oven temp down a bit since my chops were thin cut and I always try to stick with the mantra "low and slow" for pork as it can easily dry out.  After my chops were mostly done I switched over to using the broiler to get the crust on top nicely browned and crispy, this only takes a few minutes.

Both my brother and Chris really enjoyed these!  As you will also learn, my main critic (Chris) has a rating scale for a recipe, it goes as follows:
- eh, you don't really need to make that again
- it was okay, but don't make it every week
- this is good, you should make it again

This recipe on the Chris Scale got a "very good, you can make again".  Woohoo! Touchdown in the kitchen!  (insert endzone dance here, usually just includes some flailing of the arms and odd hip movements if you can picture it)

Next up, a weekend cocktail and a fun tailgating treat!  Stay tuned!


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